Effetto fiducia

Secondo l’ultimo World Happiness Report 2021, basato sui dati raccolti nel 2020 in 150 paesi, l’effetto peggiore della pandemia è riscontrabile nei 2 milioni di morti per COVID-19, un aumento di quasi il 4% del numero annuo di decessi in tutto il mondo. Per coloro che sono in vita, la pandemia ha generato insicurezza economica, ansia, cambiamento in molti aspetti della propria vita e, per molte persone, stress e problemi di salute mentale e fisica.

Segue su Nuovo Progetto (mensile del Sermig), pagina 8: https://www.sermig.org/idee-e-progetti/nuovo-progetto/ultimo-numero/altri-numeri/2021-07-agosto-settembre.html oppure qua: https://www.sermig.org/idee-e-progetti/nuovo-progetto/articoli/effetto-fiducia.html

Author: Piero

I am Associate Professor of Economics at the Dept. of Economics & Statistics “Cognetti de Martiis” of the Univ. of Turin, and research affiliate at Collegio Carlo Alberto. I studied Political Science at Bachelor’s and Master’s level at the Univ. Federico II in Naples, the lovely city where I grew up and where I’ve learnt how to survive most other places of the world. Then I received the MSc in Development Economics and the PhD in Economic Theory & Institutions at the Univ. of Rome “Tor Vergata”. Although I was trained as an economist my research topics are at the intersection between different social sciences. They include social preferences (e.g. trust, altruism, cooperation), subjective well-being, happiness and development (e.g. microfinance, civil war and natural disasters). I use experimental- and applied-economics methods such as fieldworks, lab-experiments, policy evaluation tools and analysis of survey data. I founded and currently lead CLOSER (Center for LabOratory Simulations and Experimental Research) with the aim of bringing together psychologists, sociologists and economists for a broader understanding of human behavior. I love riding my mountain and road bikes, swimming, traveling, listening to music and playing it with my indie-rock band.

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